Immigration Services

Immigrate By Being A Worker In Canada

  • Immigrating by becoming a worker in Canada is an efficient path for immigration. Canada offers several work-related programs and streams for people who have working experience in Canada for quicker immigration. However, the system is extensive and intricate, with a myriad of regulations around specific individuals and scenarios, along with what constitutes work. We will help assess whether you will require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from your potential employer, or if you qualify for an LMIA-exemption. Our team's core competency lies in all Work Permit streams, and we are ready to assist you or your employer through this process as smoothly and efficiently as possible. We would also assess whether your family may accompany you in Canada during your work term.

Two immigration streams are available after you get your work permit.

1 - Express Entry

  • The Express Entry system is a point-based system that awards points based on various factors like age, education, language, work experience, adaptability etc. Candidates in the pool with the highest Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score may receive an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for permanent residence. The Express Entry system ensures that strong candidates with the highest probability of becoming economically established in Canada are selected to immigrate to Canada. This program does not award invitations based on your position in the queue, i.e. not first come first serve. Complete applications for permanent residency could be processed within 6 months.

Timeline (Government processing times. Only for reference.)

2 - Provincial Nominees

  • The provincial nominee program is an excellent pathway to Canada. It provides an opportunity for individuals who may not have otherwise qualified for permanent residency to apply and have a greater chance of success with their application.
  • Each of Canada's provinces and two territories (except for Quebec, which follows its own unique guidelines), has a Provincial Nominee Program (PNP). The provinces are permitted to select or "nominate" a specified number of candidates each year on the grounds of their own unique selection criteria.

    • The PNPs typically have two encompassing streams:

    • Express Entry Stream
    • Non-Express Entry Stream

    You can find out more information about the nominee programs available in each province here.

Timeline (Government processing times. Only for reference.)

Immigrate By Family Sponsorship

Canada allows eligible Canadians or Permanent Residents to sponsor certain relatives to come to Canada such as:

  • spouse, partner, or dependent children.
  • Parents or grandparents.
  • Adopted children and other relatives
  • Family reunification is a primary objective the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) aims to facilitate, however, there have recently been several changes to the various sponsorship classifications. Allow us to assist you and your family to navigate through this process.

Immigrate By Being an Entrepreneur

  • Federal Startup Visa
  • Business entrepreneurs can grow their companies in Canada with the funding and expertise from approved Canadian private sector organizations, and receive a Canadian Startup Visa in return for growing the economy and creating employment opportunities for citizens and residents alike. Unlike Immigrant Investor programs, or the Federal Entrepreneur program, applicants are not required to invest any of their own capital to meet the program's eligibility requirements. Instead, they must receive minimum venture capital or angel investment from one or multiple designated organizations.

  • Quebec Entrepreneur Program
  • If you are an experienced business person or manager with an intermediate knowledge of the French language, you may be eligible to obtain a Business Entrepreneur Visa by creating or acquiring a business in the province of Quebec. The Quebec Entrepreneur Program has two streams available for foreign entrepreneurs.

  • Provincial Nominee Programs for Entrepreneurs
  • Certain provinces can nominate applicants through their own entrepreneur stream of the Provincial Nominee Program. If you are interested in settling and managing a business within a particular province, you may be nominated for Permanent Residence, provided you meet the eligibility requirements set forth by the province.

Immigrate By Being Self-employed

  • If you are interested in settling in one of Canada's provinces or territories as a professional athlete, farmer, or artisan, you may be eligible to obtain a business immigrant visa for yourself and your immediate family.

Immigrate by Investment

  • Federal Venture Capital Program
  • If you are a savvy business owner or manager with a personal net worth that exceeds $10 million, you may be qualified to apply under the Federal Venture Capital Pilot Program. Eligible applicants will be required to make a non-guaranteed investment of $2 million for up to 15 years in order to secure an investor visa (Permanent Residency).

  • Quebec Investor Program
  • Immigrant investors who are interested in settling in the province of Quebec may do so by applying for a Quebec Investor Visa. The province is seeking applicants with a minimum personal net worth of $2 million and managerial experience within legal farming, commercial, industrial, or professional industries. Eligible investors will be required to make a 5 year, guaranteed investment of $1.2 million.

  • Provincial Nominee Programs for Investors
  • Specific provinces offer the prospect of immigrating to Canada with an investor visa by applying under their own investor stream in the Provincial Nominee Program. Each province establishes their own set of rules and eligibility requirements based on its own economy, opportunities and market gaps. If you are interested in living and investing in one particular province, you could be nominated through their provincial immigration program to begin your journey to become a PR.

Other Immigration Paths

  • Caregivers
  • Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
  • Atlantic Immigration Program
  • Agri-food Pilot
  • Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents
  • Economic Mobility pathways Pilot
  • Refugees
  • Temporary resident to permanent resident pathway

Contact us to find out more about these immigration paths.

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TO REACH YOUR CANADIAN IMMIGRATION EXPERTS Please Contact: Sophia Chan - Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) for an Initial Assessment. We will get you past the Canadian Immigration hurdles and into a new life! OUR SATISFIED CLIENTS SPEAK FOR US

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